Water / Wastewater Treatment

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Engineering, Construction, and Consulting

Supporting Administrations through Accumulated Technical Skills and Proven Performance

The administration of waste and water treatment is undergoing major changes. While incineration and other waste treatment plants nationwide are being updated, TESCO is introducing world-level, latest technologies such as centralized monitoring and automated control systems for even more advanced pollution prevention facilities, and the construction and operation of these requires skilled, experienced personnel. In order to more rapidly respond to these changes, TESCO has established a project promotion department responsible for new construction and remodeling of incinerators and other waste treatment facilities, as well as for integrated, unified commissioned operation of waste and water treatment facilities. Currently, TESCO is being commissioned to carry out essential capital improvement work at a waste treatment facility in northern Nagano Prefecture, for the upgrade of the furnace, and the addition of electricity generating facilities. Additionally, TESCO has been commissioned for the operation of multiple waste treatment facilities and water treatment facilities, and these are already in full operation. Nationwide, treatment plants are showing their age, with many having financial problems ? many regional governments are faced with difficult decisions. TESCO uses its long history of diverse technical skills as well as its proven performance to offer support to administrations.

Engineering, Construction, and Consulting Service Details

TESCO has evolved to be specialized operators and managers, and has set up an engineering department to respond to customer requests for repairs and simple construction in operation and management. Initially, this was mainly repair work, but gradually accumulated experience and skills meant that business was expanded to cover the new construction and infrastructure improvements.
In recent years, operation and management has also seen increased requests for extending the operational life of facilities, reducing energy usage, and for integrated management, and with the increasing prevalence of PFI business in building operations, TESCO's ordering configuration has become more diverse.
TESCO is responding to these changes, and in building operations, has received orders for the "Hokushin Union of Local Public City and Town of Health and Sanitation Institute, Higashiyama Clean Center Basic Infrastructure Improvement Work" and "Iwauchi District Public Health Association, General Waste Interim Treatment Facilities Construction Work."
Additionally, in cooperation with the Hashimoto Area Regional Municipal Association, with the theme of "Hashimoto Area Regional Waste Treatment Plant Energy Saving Tuning Activities," TESCO received the Energy Saving Prize (Energy Saving Department) Energy Saving Center Manager's Prize. TESCO uses its long experience as specialized operators and managers to take a different viewpoint to other plant manufacturers, providing a range of proposals regarding construction and appropriate overhauls, maintenance, cost reductions, infrastructure design, and assessment management.


Engineering, Construction, and Consulting Performance

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